
Memory card

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PC Cards (PCMCIA) were among first commercial memory card formats (type I cards) to come out in the 1990s, but are now mainly used in industrial applications and to connect I/O devices such as modems. In 1990s, a number of memory card formats smaller than PC Card arrived, including CompactFlash, SmartMedia, and Miniature Card. The desire for smaller cards for cell-phones, PDAs, and compact digital cameras drove a trend that left the previous generation of "compact" cards looking big. In digital cameras SmartMedia and CompactFlash had been very successful, in 2001 SM alone captured 50% of the digital camera market and CF had a stranglehold on professional digital cameras. By 2005 however, SD/MMC had nearly taken over SmartMedia's spot, though not to the same level and with stiff competition coming from Memory Stick variants, as well as CompactFlash. In industrial fields, even the venerable PC card (PCMCIA) memory cards still manage to maintain a niche, while in mobile phones and PDAs, the memory card market was highly fragmented until 2010 when micro-SD came to dominate new high-end phones and tablet computers.
Since 2010 new products of Sony (previously only using Memory Stick) and Olympus (previously only using XD-Card) are offered with an additional SD-Card slot.[1] Effectively the format war has turned in SD-Card's favor.

Police Allegedly Beating Journalists Tempo Ignore Facts

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JAKARTA - The case of alleged beating of a journalist Tempo TV Syarifah Nur Aida aka Ipeh in land dispute between the Air Force with farmers in Bogor, it is yet to see a bright spot.
Police and TNI even as if directing that Ipeh fainted, not hit people do not know. Ipeh colleagues, Mahfud Efendi, Syarifah believed not to faint when the coverage, because the condition is healthy and had no history of disease that can cause sudden fainting.
"The police like directing Ipeh fainting. Yes not possible, who open the memory slot (camera), "he said to Legal in Jakarta on Friday (29/07/2011).
Ipeh unknown person struck while performing journalistic duties in the land dispute between the Air Force and the Kampung Cibitung RT 1 RW 05, Desa Sukamulya, District Rumpin, Bogor, West Java, Thursday, July 28 yesterday.
The incident occurred when a team beating Tempo TV coverage at work collecting information and pictures at the scene at approximately 14:50 pm.
Mahfud police lamented that seemed in a hurry to give information to the public about the beating incident Ipeh. He revealed, Ipeh and his colleagues questioned last night until around 23 o'clock. 00 pm. "I do not know the basis for the police (menyimpulak Ipeh fainting) from where," he asked.
He expected the police to make tentative conclusions based on the testimony of medical personnel who could treat Ipeh Health Center after being hit strangers. But it still Mahfud affirmed summary statement. Because increased blood pressure could be due Ipeh concerned shock and bruises.
Police attitude that seems to ignore the fact there are people who watch the movements of team Tempo TV coverage is also regrettable Mahfud. Moments before the incident of beating, there is a fat-boned man with cropped hair balding watching the TV coverage of the Tempo. The man took the motor and holding a walkie talkie.
Similarly, the fact there are soldiers who came to shop near basecamp team Tempo TV coverage. In that place, Tempo TV coverage team had questioned the purpose of his arrival to the illegal sand mining site in Kampung Cibitung.
"We did not answer, just a smile alone. We could not tell, I'll run away first or stopped first, "said Mahfud.


Memory card data recovery software

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Memory card data recovery software is an easy to use non-destructive digital data restoration utility easily rescues and RestoreS That photos, pictures, music files and other Important documents from USB removable memory cards. Memory card data repair tool provides simple and safe recovery of all deleted media files from logically Damaged or corrupted memory cards.
Undelete files and restore all media formats like mov, bmp, avi, mp3, m4v, txt, gif, midi, mpeg, jpg, wav, aac, and many more.Secure data salvage program supports all formats of memory cards like Secure Digital memory cards, SD gaming cards, Multimedia cards, Mini SD cards, SDHC, Mini SD, SDHC Plus etc of Various famous brands including Sony, Sanyo, Kodak, Olympus, Umax, BenQ , Casio, Lumicron, Konica and many more.
Memory Card data recovery software proves to be cost-effective, safe and reliable data regaining utility for all types of unreadable memory cards and a flexible program for all Windows users. Flash card file recovery package has impressive user-friendly graphical interface and no technical or learning any complex software is required for operation.
Software Features:
Safe and secure retrieval of deleted, erased or missing files and information from corrupted memory cards or Damaged.Supports easy recovery of all media files including image files (tiff, png, bmp, gif, jpg), video files (asf, 3gp, avi, mpeg, mov), audio files (midi, mp3, aac, mpa, ram), Text file (txt, doc, DBT) and many more file formats from undetectable memory cards.Offers easy recovery of files lost During Accidental deletion of data, Human error, the Electricity failure, hardware malfunction or Pls error messages like "USB drive is not Recognized" and other displays on the system screen.Support all USB devices, memory card storage media including Compact Flash Memory card, Secure Digital SD (micro SD, SDHC, Mini SD, SDHC Plus), Multimedia Card, xD Picture Card, Memory Stick (MS Pro, Micro M2, MS Pro DUO, MS) and other commonly used memory card storage media.Support all branded memory cards like Sanyo, Kodak, Olympus, Sony, Umax, Aiptek, BenQ, Casio, Lumicron, Konica, Canon, Nikon, Acer, Philips, Yakumo, Digital Dream and many more.Provide user-friendly graphical interface and no special technical training needed to work with software.Software Requirements:
Pentium class or equivalent processorMemory space Minimum 128 MB RAM24 MB free disk spaceOperating System Supported:
Windows 7, Windows VISTA, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows 2000Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows ME

Unlock, Formatting & Recovery MMC

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Yes, this is all about the MMC (Multi Media Card memory card alias). Ngetrend storage media again today and used almost all electronic equipment. Introduced first by Siemens and SanDisk in 1997. The form has been getting smaller and lighter even fingernail-sized pal. MMC serves for storing important files like photos, songs, sound recordings or video, data, etc. office.Because this is a vital function if something happens to MMC as terlock, exposed to the virus, the data unreadable, so corrupt data or another, my friend can lose or important files stored on MMC. Photo memories or confidential files may not be sought if the media penyimpannya successor is MMC can not read anymore. MMC then treat the most of it if need be backed up.Just like other storage media, MMC are vulnerable to magnetic fields, water or air temperature extremes. Therefore all of MMC such as how to unlock, format or recover mmc will try to describe my buddies all.
HOW TO CHECK PASSWORD OR UNLOCK MMCSometimes to protect the data on the mmc buddies become overprotective. MMC given a password that is difficult to guess by others and took his master on the other day senjatapun sobatlah it difficult to remember ... .... nah you know, how do I open it? Relax buddy, there are some tricks to download this MMC unlock passwords include:
1. If the phone pal Nokia bersystem symbian, use FExplorer or any other file manager go to C: / system (C: / is the phone memory, rather than external memory) and slide down until it finds MMCStore file and open the file it will show the password MMC pal. If it can not be opened on the phone, send the file to your computer and open MMCStore use Notepad.2. Still for Nokia bersymbian can also use MMC Password Unlock application. My friend could get in donlot wae box.3. Try using MMC Programmer (MMC Unlocker), sorry I say try because I have not been practicing, so please be because there are no "patients" when I get this program, whether the patient wants to be first mate Ok buddy program can get in donlot waebox. Extract with Winrar program, enter the password: plentiswae. Install MMC Programmer, and replace the MMC which will unlock the computer and then run the program. Click Unlock and wait until the process is completed with a marked post Ready ... .. Finally see the results
4. If the way no.1, 2 and 3 does not work or MMCStore file not found (this is because the phone has been reset previously), then the only way is to use a tool Unlock Card as shown below.

Please know that MMC dipassword time is on the phone, will not be read on a computer making it difficult for my friend to format it the normal way, hence the need tool unlock this card. One more use of Unlock Card will erase all data on the MMC, yes okay MMC can be used again instead? Instead of unused and yet my friend can find more data that was erased with a card recovery program which I will explain later. Tools unlock card can be obtained at the store spare parts mobile phone, it costs around 100-150 thousand. If my friend does not want to buy, can also ask for help unlock the download stores in the plaza or mall.Services range from 15-25 thousand dollars unlock.
Formatting the MMCFormat means erase the entire contents of the MMC data.Sometimes my friend need to do after the MMC format in the open use because MMC Unlock Card or a hard hit by the virus in the eradicated, or because many are corrupt MMC data. The signs of corrupt data: strange characters that read data and can not be operated (moved or deleted). Backup data before formatting the MMC pal need. How to format MMC:1. If using the Windows MMC point on the drive was, and then click the right mouse button, select Format, content with the FAT file system option and then press START, wait until it finishes.2. Through the Command Line or DOS prompt, type FORMAT E: / FS: FAT (E: is the drive MMC)3. Format a cell phone for Nokia Symbian, how to find the menu Extras> Memory> Option> Format memory. Card. Create a user Symbian UIQ (SE P800, P900, P910) through a control panel menu> format the disk> select the drive MMC (eg: D). Other mobile phone brands in the menu there is usually a memory card> format.4. MMC Medic formats with software, can take in donlot wae pal box.

How to use MMC Medic as follows:- Status of MMC will be immediately visible whether corrupt or not.- To format the content of capacity in accordance with the capacity MMC MMC friend, and enter MMC drives are, the contents of a label or name for the MMC and then click Format MMC to start, wait until the complete format. The length depends on the format of the small capacity of the MMC.
MMC RECOVERYRecent discussion of the MMC data recovery. Previously I was advised that using this way to goodness and helping others. Do pal recover in order to open the shame of others, especially in electronic media or disseminate the Internet to the detriment of others. Huh quasi-idealist so? not so buddy, remember that our age no one knows, only Allah SWT knows. What if a sudden when my friend called to his presence in the state has tainted the reputations of others, whether society will remember us as good people? Yes of course not, they remember only the ugliness because it is the latter done. Uh, where was I up to?
1. Take Card Recovery software in donlot wae box, extract all the files (password: plentiswae) and then install on your computer and run.

2. At the Drive Letter MMC select the drive in, the camera brand and file type to let the option on MMC "generic digital camera" and then check whether the data would be recovered Photos, Movies / Video Clips or Sound / Audio Clips. In the Destination Folder select a place to store the results of later recovery by the press Browse, then select Next.

3. Some cases are not detected then the capacity of MMC MMC will write capacitymate recovery, then OK.

4. Wait until scanning is complete recovery.

5. If the scan has completed, you will see how data files are managed in the recovery, then press OK.

6. Click Preview to see the results and choose select all or as a buddy need then select Next.

7. Recovery is complete, select Open Folder to view the recovered Files directly results or click Finish.

Note: Recovery MMC can use many other programs commonly usedfor hard disk data recovery. Formatted data can be recovered provided that the format is no more than 3X or data that was deleted no longer written with other data. Unlikely in the recovery if this is already happening. So my description, may be useful.